Why i love girls

(Model, Actress, Intellect)

Captain’s log Star date, September 06, 2005, this is my blog, that’s right a personal expression of me Hugo Johnson otherwise known as JWM. I really love girls because my hormones call out to them. It’s hard to explain it when you are a guy but when you are around a girl it’s like your heart races faster and all you can think about is that word, ok SEX. Oops did I say something bad? I do not always see girls as just sex objects; I see them as individuals with their dreams and aspirations, I respect that in a woman, when she knows what she wants and pursues her dreams no matter what.

I love the way they talk, their voices relaxes the nerves, too much testosterones aren’t good for you, so when you hear them talk it makes you want to connect to them in more ways than one.

I like the way they walk, those curvaceous hips and that apple shaped ass, especially the sistas! That’s right home girl I’m talking to you, with your fine ass self. Those cup cakes you call titties are suck able, lovable and touchable (if there is such a word). I love the way they dress, their little hipsters or short skirts, tiny shorts or even look corporate in that exec suit, go on girl you look good. Your fashion brings out the best of you, it makes you confident and it also makes you strong.

I love girls because every since I was born I know I had to do something where I can interact with them on a daily basis. I went into the modeling business because I love them, not only for who they are, but for what they represent: The givers of life.

Girls have their ways, and brothers if you think you can figure them out, you are wasting your time. You will end up defeated and hurt, let them try to figure you out, also be the mystery man. I personally have tried to figure girls out, yup. I failed, I still am trying to figure out what they want. But hey “I love girls”.

Just getting warmed up with my blog, it’s the truth baby and let the truth set you free.
