My evolution starts inside of me. In a world that seems to have no end or a beginning, in a time and space as void as infinity. JWM rise; JWM show yourself in all your glory, be all that you can be. My evolution starts inside of me.
My life is pain; my heart is filled with emotions which is as deep as the abyss. What a world we are living in, why do people have to die? Where is love? What is love?
What is the purpose of love when there is no purpose to love, or even someone to love? What is the sense of beauty when in cannot be showcased? What is the purpose of a lifestyle when there are no achievements? What is the purpose of Power when it is ruled by greed?
My Evolution starts now, I am human, I am apart of this time space continuum until the day I die, you all will remember me as JWM, forever, somewhere on this www, there will be 0s and 1s with a trace of my work.
I bleed for my work, I try to perfect my bad design, and I try to reach to that point of no return when I can say I am perfect! But for now it’s My Evolution.
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