Beauty is my Passion, Pain is my Platform

My personal motto "Beauty is my Passion, Pain is my Platform" is the result of my experiences. Everyday is a step closer to our final destination; I personally don't know where that is but am sure it’s waiting for us to find out. As I journey through life I am blessed and also cursed with valuable lessons; one lesson that I may have learned and this is a quote from a once great philosopher: "Desire is the source to all suffering" Quoted by Buddha.

I desire what is considered beautiful (“beauty is the eye of the beholder”) because I want to become apart of it, I try to simulate it through my art and expression but at a cost. The price is pain; this is the result of suffering from a physical or emotional state, in my case it’s mostly emotional. Therefore the more pain that I feel is the more that I find myself closer to what I desire.

For example Mr. X needs to get a object A, but to get object A Mr. X needs object B. Object B is going to act as the medium of exchange for acquiring Object A, the problem is that Mr. X must first acquire object B, it is going to cost Mr. X some type of pain to get object B if he does not already have it. Opportunity cost chips in, also sacrifice etc. This is used to acquire object B and then Mr. X can now meet his full desire which is object A. Sounds complicated but its a simple model of all that we humans do on a daily basis.

Every human is passionate about something, that attraction to beauty is lead by desire but the cost for acquiring that beauty is pain.

I desire to be a better designer than I currently am, I try to evaluate the current trends and standards of what I consider good design, but the process of improving my design is very painful, as I have to learn how to manipulate the technology, follow the rules/protocols given and adapt to the communities for self expression. The acceptance of the community would be the reward of my efforts for self improvement. My ignorance is a contribution to my pain, it’s all simple only if I knew how, but it’s very complicated to acquire this simplicity.

I hope this article helped to stimulate any perceptions as to the mental compositions of JWM.
