The 21st Century Model

Modeling as you know is an Art form the expression of ones self, portrayed through many abstracts and mediums. Where is this Art form going? What is in stored for the 21st Century Model?

The 21st Century has herald many new marketing niches with the fall of the ecommerce web hype and the birth of a new marketing concept; Personalization. Times have changed; no longer do companies make peoples’ image, people makes a companies’ image, from Fashion to Music Companies study human behavior. As a 21st Century model one has to adapt to this concept of Personalization as the Industries are now in a recreational era. In other words the rules have changed, the Industries are merging(Music Artist and Fashion lines, Model turns actress etc.), and the large divide is ending. Traditionally Runway and Catalog models were the driving force of the Industry, until the spawn of a new pop culture exposing beautiful women to new markets; Urban Fashion, Music Videos, Independent Films, Calendars, Magazines, Ezines, Websites, Import, etc. and many more not mentioned. There are more people using technology in there every day lives at a growth rate of 20% per day of the worlds population. So were does that lead the 21st century model? Technology and Independence.

Here are some tools to be equipped with as a 21st Century Model:

1) Computer Literacy (the higher the better)

2) A College Degree (Kill the stereo types)

3) A fair understanding of Marketing

4) A Fair understanding of how the Industry works, all the major categories; Fashion, Exotic, Erotic, R-rated, Semi Adult, Adult.

5) A multimedia driven website ( hot graphics, audio, video, animation, interaction etc.)

6) An Agent, to handle your business; referrals, promotion, auditing etc.

7) A fairly decent wardrobe (image sells).

8) Transportation and Accommodation in Geographically convenient spots where the market is hot (LA, NY, LONDON, MILAN, PARIS etc.)

9) Client list, of potential leads and associates for any potential project.

10) Physical appearance is key, working out, eating right, meditation (Yoga recommended).

11) Be very flexible in your skills, incorporate a little choreography, acting and singing abilities (optional), in other words, the more flexible and talented you are, the better.

12) Highly treated skin, facial, pedicure, manicure, hairstyle done regularly.

13) Attend network meetings, fashion events, cocktail parties, or any other formal events, mingle, mingle, mingle; Plastic smiles etc.

14) Work with a good photographer/s or Photo Studio, for all of your promotional projects, amateur photos reduces your image and also the chances of you being recognized.

15) Professional makeup Artist (if you did it yourself, a second opinion is always helpful).

16) Be up to date with trends, Fashion, Slang, Music, Cultural diversities( always try to speak a second language; Spanish, French, Latin, Portuguese, German)

17) Be different be original, target a specific market in your area of modeling (if you don’t look the part, don’t play the part).

18) Try to get your face out there; Flyers, T-Shirts, Internet, Compilation Cards, business cards, Calendars, Television, Magazine, Posters etc.

19) Balance your personal and professional life, live a little!

It’s a war for Identity in this market, everywhere you go there is always something bigger and better, so how do you stay on top? Be different, be original in your image and presentation, branding is key so it’s always good to create a logo or icon that identifies your stage name (Consult a professional graphic artist in your area), that is remain fixed in the minds of your audience. Invest a lot of time in you as a model, be as professional as you can in other words; handle your business.

As the Entertainment, Music, Fashion and Film Industry Merges, always be prepared for something new and exciting, do not be de-motivated by disappointments, there is always a bigger and better project out there. Somewhere your face will be needed so get ready and be alert at all times; cell phone, two ways, pocket book, PDA, Laptop (optional) etc. Don’t be afraid of technology, use it, and abuse it if you have to, in order to make your point. Remember you are a 21st Century Model, “THE PAST IS DEAD SO LOOK AHEAD”.
