lets have a toast to life, as we do our daily duties, i have to ask myself "Why are we alive?" and then i give my self a simple answer "Because we are not dead" ha ha. Anyways on a serious note, lets have a toast to all that we have worked so hard for, we have a dream and we set out to fulfil the mission, its no time to sit and on your ass whining about when you'll reach the top, its time to say "Hey i am going to the top!".
As i said before in a previous post, you can sit back or you can take what you want. I have reached a core in my existense, the game has gotten sweeter by the minute and every second that the clock ticks is a step closer towards me fulfilling my destiny.
Oh yes a toast to life, a toast to prosperity a toast to sucess, a toast to making life all you can be and more!
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