Bearing the Burden part II

It seems as if life gets ever so challenging, on one hand we have a set of clients that demand their products be delivered and at the other end you are forced to produce a high quality at a high stake with little benifit. How do i survive in a world that forces you to always take on new projects just to survive? Each project becomes more challenging yet each project and client expectations escalate?

Sacrifice is the only option, quality for productivity, a lower quality product at a higher delivery time. For Gods sake i am only human, i feel things too. Unfortunatley in this world of being a webdeveloper how do you choose a normal way of life, when you are busy building other peoples' way of life, when will the time come when i can sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labour?

My Company is at stake, my lifestyle and my dependents are at stake all because of "Bearing the Burden"
