
I write this article with great passion, knowing that i can reach to you, knowing that someone will read this content. I write this article saying i am human, strip away my race, my culture, my personality and all you have is a human that is communicating with you via this medium, this interface, this system of great communication.

What is the intention of my message? This message is intended to tell you whoever you are that man is in danger, danger of himself, we are in a world that is driven by greed, power and lust. We are driven by commercialization stripping away our very essence of what we call humanity. We hear their cries every day (the starving children, the sick, the elderly, the homeless), yet we ignore them, we find celebrity news more fascinating, we rather sit in the VIP lounge and party our lives away, but after the party then what? After the party exists reality, the same reality that we ignore.

i may sound like i am angry, but i am not, i am only venting what i call my disgust for mankind's negligence to be humane, to have compassion, to co-operate, to share and finally to love one another.

If you have reached this point in this article i hope i jogged your mind, i hope i inspired you to write an article of your own, this is the The World, This is Life, and yes This is Technology.
