The Law vs OutLaw

This article is directed towards the individuals that are on both sides: the law and the outlaw. At one end we are in a system filled with crime and poverty due to an economic crisis that doesn’t exist only locally but on a global plane. Jamaica our nation is considered a third world country (developing nation), we have a bad reputation for corruption within our political system (both parties) etc. But I guess you have heard all those stories already so that’s another article. What we consider the law is not being applied at a constitutional level; our people (citizens of Jamaica) are abused of our human rights and are being exploited every day.

At one end we uphold the law but the law is not on our side. For Instance I have a friend that was recently thrown into jail over some unpaid tickets that he had not paid for in three years, a warrant was out for his arrest, he was locked up in a local police station, he was treated like a wanted criminal and had to share a cell with twenty men (some of whom were criminals), no food or access to a restroom, only a bucket to let out his waste.

We was later taken to court and ordered to pay over sixty thousand dollars or face more jail time.

His rights was exploited, he was abused by the law, the same law that he is supposed to uphold. And that would be considered light compared to what goes on every day in this war torn system. Here is a list of the seeds of corruption in this cesspool of a Nation:

1) Police Brutality

2) White Collar Crime

3) Wire Tapping

4) Raids

5) Harassment of Citizens

6) Overbilling of Citizens

7) High Consumer Prices

8) High Interest Rates

9) Poor Road Facilities (in most areas)

10) Unorganized transportation parks

11) Threats

12) Intimidation

13) The selling out of our Nation’s resources

14) High unemployment (very high)

And the list goes on. And this is on the law side. Both parties are going to point fingers at the other as usual but no one would come together to solve this pandemic of a situation that has reached this nation.

The outlaw, the robin hood of so-called society, heroes of the poor are not really helping the situation. These organized gangs’ gives youth’s access to illegal weapons that can take a man’s life in a heartbeat. They are corrupting the souls of our children; they have planted a nasty seed that only strengthens their operations but weaken the citizens. How ironic some of these gangs have political alliances hence forth the term “garrison”. A territorial system that was designed by a political party to secure various seats when an election is called. These so called territories were to have so-called area leaders aka dons that would rule with an iron fist and defend its people like a tribal system. These people are armed and dangerous but what is the law really doing about it? Yes, I agree things are being done, but they are not being done in an efficient way without causing collateral damage. I agree these dons are eventually killed or put in prison, a lot of wanted criminals are going to jail, but do you think that solves the problem? No it doesn’t. It worsens the problem, the way the law goes about to apprehend the outlaw is more lawless than the outlaw themselves. So the question is: “Is there now a thin line between the law and the outlaw” I guess they can now alternate roles if desired. Plain clothes police can act lawlessly because they are the “law” and the outlaw can pretend to be the law in order to do lawlessness or they just work together while they kill one another and oh yes, COLLATERAL DAMAGE. Another grieving mother, another fatherless or motherless child. And the story goes on.

So the question is JAMAICA what can be done to reduce this madness and restore some sense of stability to our Nation. How can we rid this nation of this stinking rotten demonic force that is plaguing our nation like locust on a farmland? Are we going to sit blindly and keep taking the abuse or are we going to apply more pressure on these corrupt forces and demand answers.

For all my non-citizen readers, I am very passionate about my country and what I believe in my people, and my energies are directed into these articles which hope to reach out to the world and also to our leaders and powerful private sector. Help Jamaica before it ROTS IN HELL. Help Jamaica before WE SELF DESTRUCT. Help our youth, give them opportunity, give them a sense of community, give them the ability to earn and to grow, help the ghetto, help the ones out there in the vast wasteland that need your support. Uplift Jamaica and you will never regret it. We are talented and gifted with many abilities, we only need some support. So the story goes on, the Law and the Outlaw has our nation at ransom, no at GUN POINT BULLET!
